Neal Zimm
Hi All,
I'm just getting my ankles in the water re: ws selection
change event code.
The sub below is doing what I want, re: selection.
The users are NOT Excel wizards, hence maybe going over-
board in trying to control the cursor.
Testing the sheet, when I right click a 'good' cell
after selecting it to copy it to another cell,
I lose the wavy lines when this code ends,
and cannot use paste to complete the copy.
I don't want to force the user to type all of
the data. This sheet is a 'main' adjusting
sheet in my app. All the macros sit in an addin.
I don't know what I'm leaving out. I don't know
how to bring forward into the change event code
a 'right-clicked range' to be copied.
There is a Ws change event macro, not shown here.
If I must, I could move this logic to it. Ugh.
Neal Z.
Sub SVC_SelChg(ByVal CellAdr As String)
' CellAdr is target.address
' Edit all SubViewChg Ws selections. Keep protection on.
Const Title = "Subscriber Data View/Change"
Dim RngType As String
Dim Status As String
Dim Row As Long, Ix As Integer
Dim BlankRowAy() As Long
Dim ChgRow As Long, ChgCol As Integer
Dim HIrow As Long, HIcol As Integer
Dim ActRow As Long, ActCol As Integer
Dim PaBegRow As Long '1st row holding Pa account
Dim PaEndRow As Long 'last poss row for pa sel/chg
Dim LastExistACNrow As Long
Dim ACNcanBeAddRow As Long 'row of 'accounts can be added' literal
Dim LastAbrRow As Long 'last row with pa abr, above final 2 blank rows
Dim LastAdrRow As Long 'last row top half, N&Adr sub data
Dim COfs As Integer 'Ws column offset to SVrAy columns.
Dim Qty As Integer
Dim ExistACNrng As Range 'data can't be changed here
Dim DrawRng As Range 'mod subscr & temp stops cols, not these.
Dim ISect As Range 'intersect, test bad selections from above
Dim LastAddRng As Range 'final two rows PaAbr thru subscr.
'mainline start
EventsOFF ' disables events
COfs = gSVCwsColOfs ' Col offset lines up Ws with array receiving data later
Call RowsCols_vCellAdr(CellAdr, RngType, ChgRow, ChgCol, _
HIrow, HIcol, ActRow, ActCol)
PaBegRow = gSVCpaBegRow 'row after col hdr's g = public constant
LastExistACNrow = Range("c1").Value
PaEndRow = Range(SIdCpaEndRow).Value ' usually e1
LastAdrRow = PaBegRow - 2 'row above col hdr's
LastAbrRow = PaEndRow - 2
ACNcanBeAddRow = Range("d1").Value - 1
Set ExistACNrng = Range(Cells(PaBegRow, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs), _
Cells(Range("c1").Value, SVrACNcol + COfs))
Set DrawRng = Range(Cells(PaBegRow, SVrDrawCol + COfs), _
Cells(PaEndRow, SVrDrawCol + COfs))
Set LastAddRng = Range(Cells(PaEndRow - 1, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs), _
Cells(PaEndRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs))
If InStr(CellAdr, Comma) > 0 Then ' non contiguous ranges, no no
MsgBox "Invalid, using Ctrl Key to select non-contiguous cells, " _
& Cr2 & "is Not Allowed on this sheet.", vbCritical, Title
GoTo Quit
End If
' last row limitation
If ChgRow > PaEndRow Then
MsgBox "Row " & PaEndRow & " is last valid row to select.", _
vbExclamation, Title
Cells(PaEndRow, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
' right most col limitation
If ChgCol > SVrSubNaCol + COfs Then
MsgBox "Column " & ColLtrs_FmNumF(SVrSubNaCol + COfs) _
& " is rightmost valid column to select.", _
vbExclamation, Title
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubNaCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
' build array for blank 'visual spacer row' NON-selection
ReDim BlankRowAy(20)
For Row = PaBegRow + 1 To LastAbrRow - 1
If Cells(Row, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs) = "" Or Row = ACNcanBeAddRow Then
Qty = Qty + 1
If Qty > UBound(BlankRowAy) Then ReDim Preserve BlankRowAy(Qty)
BlankRowAy(Qty) = Row
End If
Next Row
For Ix = 1 To Qty
If ChgRow = BlankRowAy(Ix) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Row for Selection.", vbExclamation, Title
If ChgRow < ACNcanBeAddRow Then ChgRow = ChgRow - 1 Else _
If ChgRow = ACNcanBeAddRow Then ChgRow = ChgRow + 1 Else _
ChgRow = ChgRow - 1
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
Next Ix
' can't change draw directly
Set ISect = Application.Intersect(DrawRng, Selection)
If Not ISect Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please change subscription or temp stops, NOT the draw.", _
vbExclamation, Title
Range(Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs), _
Cells(ChgRow, SVrOthTScol + COfs)).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
' can't change key existing account data
Set ISect = Application.Intersect(ExistACNrng, Selection)
If Not ISect Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Data here can't be changed. Change subscription or temp stops.", _
vbExclamation, Title
MsgBox "OR ... ADD accounts in above cells," & Cr2 & "OR to add a " _
& "2nd or 3rd account, using these cells.", vbExclamation, Title
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
If ChgCol = iColA Then 'column A is no-man's land.
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight
If PaBegRow <= ChgRow And ChgRow <= LastExistACNrow Then
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf ChgRow = ACNcanBeAddRow Then
Cells(ChgRow + 1, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf ChgRow = ACNcanBeAddRow Then
Cells(ChgRow + 1, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf ACNcanBeAddRow < ChgRow And ChgRow <= LastAbrRow Then
Cells(ChgRow, SVrDlvCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf LastAbrRow < ChgRow And ChgRow <= PaEndRow Then
Cells(ChgRow, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs).Select
End If
ElseIf ChgCol < (SVrSubNaCol + COfs) Then
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight
ElseIf ChgCol = (SVrSubNaCol + COfs) Then 'rightmost allowable
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToLeft
End If
If ChgRow <> HIrow And ChgCol <> (SVrSubNaCol + COfs) Then
MsgBox "Please select in only 1 row.", vbExclamation, Title
Cells(ChgRow, ChgCol).Select
End If
Call SVC_Protect ' protects this sheet, enables events
'mainline end
End Sub
I'm just getting my ankles in the water re: ws selection
change event code.
The sub below is doing what I want, re: selection.
The users are NOT Excel wizards, hence maybe going over-
board in trying to control the cursor.
Testing the sheet, when I right click a 'good' cell
after selecting it to copy it to another cell,
I lose the wavy lines when this code ends,
and cannot use paste to complete the copy.
I don't want to force the user to type all of
the data. This sheet is a 'main' adjusting
sheet in my app. All the macros sit in an addin.
I don't know what I'm leaving out. I don't know
how to bring forward into the change event code
a 'right-clicked range' to be copied.
There is a Ws change event macro, not shown here.
If I must, I could move this logic to it. Ugh.
Neal Z.
Sub SVC_SelChg(ByVal CellAdr As String)
' CellAdr is target.address
' Edit all SubViewChg Ws selections. Keep protection on.
Const Title = "Subscriber Data View/Change"
Dim RngType As String
Dim Status As String
Dim Row As Long, Ix As Integer
Dim BlankRowAy() As Long
Dim ChgRow As Long, ChgCol As Integer
Dim HIrow As Long, HIcol As Integer
Dim ActRow As Long, ActCol As Integer
Dim PaBegRow As Long '1st row holding Pa account
Dim PaEndRow As Long 'last poss row for pa sel/chg
Dim LastExistACNrow As Long
Dim ACNcanBeAddRow As Long 'row of 'accounts can be added' literal
Dim LastAbrRow As Long 'last row with pa abr, above final 2 blank rows
Dim LastAdrRow As Long 'last row top half, N&Adr sub data
Dim COfs As Integer 'Ws column offset to SVrAy columns.
Dim Qty As Integer
Dim ExistACNrng As Range 'data can't be changed here
Dim DrawRng As Range 'mod subscr & temp stops cols, not these.
Dim ISect As Range 'intersect, test bad selections from above
Dim LastAddRng As Range 'final two rows PaAbr thru subscr.
'mainline start
EventsOFF ' disables events
COfs = gSVCwsColOfs ' Col offset lines up Ws with array receiving data later
Call RowsCols_vCellAdr(CellAdr, RngType, ChgRow, ChgCol, _
HIrow, HIcol, ActRow, ActCol)
PaBegRow = gSVCpaBegRow 'row after col hdr's g = public constant
LastExistACNrow = Range("c1").Value
PaEndRow = Range(SIdCpaEndRow).Value ' usually e1
LastAdrRow = PaBegRow - 2 'row above col hdr's
LastAbrRow = PaEndRow - 2
ACNcanBeAddRow = Range("d1").Value - 1
Set ExistACNrng = Range(Cells(PaBegRow, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs), _
Cells(Range("c1").Value, SVrACNcol + COfs))
Set DrawRng = Range(Cells(PaBegRow, SVrDrawCol + COfs), _
Cells(PaEndRow, SVrDrawCol + COfs))
Set LastAddRng = Range(Cells(PaEndRow - 1, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs), _
Cells(PaEndRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs))
If InStr(CellAdr, Comma) > 0 Then ' non contiguous ranges, no no
MsgBox "Invalid, using Ctrl Key to select non-contiguous cells, " _
& Cr2 & "is Not Allowed on this sheet.", vbCritical, Title
GoTo Quit
End If
' last row limitation
If ChgRow > PaEndRow Then
MsgBox "Row " & PaEndRow & " is last valid row to select.", _
vbExclamation, Title
Cells(PaEndRow, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
' right most col limitation
If ChgCol > SVrSubNaCol + COfs Then
MsgBox "Column " & ColLtrs_FmNumF(SVrSubNaCol + COfs) _
& " is rightmost valid column to select.", _
vbExclamation, Title
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubNaCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
' build array for blank 'visual spacer row' NON-selection
ReDim BlankRowAy(20)
For Row = PaBegRow + 1 To LastAbrRow - 1
If Cells(Row, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs) = "" Or Row = ACNcanBeAddRow Then
Qty = Qty + 1
If Qty > UBound(BlankRowAy) Then ReDim Preserve BlankRowAy(Qty)
BlankRowAy(Qty) = Row
End If
Next Row
For Ix = 1 To Qty
If ChgRow = BlankRowAy(Ix) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Row for Selection.", vbExclamation, Title
If ChgRow < ACNcanBeAddRow Then ChgRow = ChgRow - 1 Else _
If ChgRow = ACNcanBeAddRow Then ChgRow = ChgRow + 1 Else _
ChgRow = ChgRow - 1
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
Next Ix
' can't change draw directly
Set ISect = Application.Intersect(DrawRng, Selection)
If Not ISect Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please change subscription or temp stops, NOT the draw.", _
vbExclamation, Title
Range(Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs), _
Cells(ChgRow, SVrOthTScol + COfs)).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
' can't change key existing account data
Set ISect = Application.Intersect(ExistACNrng, Selection)
If Not ISect Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Data here can't be changed. Change subscription or temp stops.", _
vbExclamation, Title
MsgBox "OR ... ADD accounts in above cells," & Cr2 & "OR to add a " _
& "2nd or 3rd account, using these cells.", vbExclamation, Title
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
GoTo Quit
End If
If ChgCol = iColA Then 'column A is no-man's land.
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight
If PaBegRow <= ChgRow And ChgRow <= LastExistACNrow Then
Cells(ChgRow, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf ChgRow = ACNcanBeAddRow Then
Cells(ChgRow + 1, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf ChgRow = ACNcanBeAddRow Then
Cells(ChgRow + 1, SVrSubscrCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf ACNcanBeAddRow < ChgRow And ChgRow <= LastAbrRow Then
Cells(ChgRow, SVrDlvCol + COfs).Select
ElseIf LastAbrRow < ChgRow And ChgRow <= PaEndRow Then
Cells(ChgRow, SVrPaAbrCol + COfs).Select
End If
ElseIf ChgCol < (SVrSubNaCol + COfs) Then
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight
ElseIf ChgCol = (SVrSubNaCol + COfs) Then 'rightmost allowable
Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToLeft
End If
If ChgRow <> HIrow And ChgCol <> (SVrSubNaCol + COfs) Then
MsgBox "Please select in only 1 row.", vbExclamation, Title
Cells(ChgRow, ChgCol).Select
End If
Call SVC_Protect ' protects this sheet, enables events
'mainline end
End Sub