WSS - Deny view to project webspace to team members


Manos Smaragdis

How can you deactivate the "Go to selected project webspace" button for a
user that belongs to team members of the project? Its something wich doesnt
need to be available for the users of our company for now, however it is
usefull only for the project manager and executives? How can we deactivate
that option from a user that belongs to the team members group?

Thank you in advance.

Manos Smaragdis

Aaron Tamblyn

You can not do this through security options.

You could modify the ASP page (PortfolioView.asp and ProjectReport.asp) if
you have ASP coding skills. The section of code that displays the link is:




Manos Smaragdis

Thank you for your answer.
I understand that if I remove the link from the asp page, noone will be able
to see it. However, some roles from our company need to see this. Its only
the team members that dont need to have access to this. I have tried the
security settings for the team members, however it seems complicated and I
cannot make it work. I need some advice on the security settings.
If the team member can click the link of "Go to selected project webspace",
at least how can I make then having viewing rights only. Although I have
tried this with security settings, it doesnt seem to work. It must be
something to do with the colaboration of project server and wws services.
Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.

Aaron Tamblyn

Hi Manos,

Team members will have Read, Edit, Create and Delete rights on site content
for the projects they are a resource on.

Where Project Server is set to automatically populate users from Project
Server into project WSS sites, users are populated into the following groups:

Project Managers (Microsoft Office Project Server)
Users who have published this project or who have 'Save Project' permission
in Microsoft Office Project Server.
This group has full edit rights to the site. Basically the only thing they
can not do is change security.

Readers (Microsoft Office Project Server)
Users who have 'View Project Documents, Issues and Risks' permission in
Microsoft Office Project Server.
This group only has view rights to site content.

Team members (Microsoft Office Project Server)
Users who have assignments in this project in Microsoft Office Project Server.
This group has Read, Edit, Delete and Create rights for site content.

Web Administrators (Microsoft Office Project Server)
Users who have 'Manage Windows SharePoint Team Services' permission in
Microsoft Office Project Server.
This group has administrator rights to the site.

The Team Members group is often a problem as it means that resources on a
project are able to edit and delete project risks and issues. Work arounds
for this include:
1. Turn off the automated user population (via 'Site Provisioning Settings'
in PWA) by unticking the 'Automatically add Project Web Access users to
project team Web site when SharePoint site is created or when the project
manager publishes the project information to Project Server. ' item. You
would then need to manually populate the users into the Reader site group.
You may elect to add an Active Directory group that has all team members to
make it simpler.

2. Another possible option could be just modifying the permissions for the
'Team Member' site group in WSS for each site. I don't know what happens if
you modify the permission on the 'Team Members' site group. If the
syncronisation does not change the permissions back then this may be an

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