WSS2.0 - Can the Risk list be renamed


Mauricio I


Working on Project Server 2003 - Can the Risks list be renamed? Just curious
if the functionality in PWA's landign page would be affected by doing so.


Mauricio I

Jackson T. Cole

After glancing though some of the PWA code pages relating to "Risk", I'd
say you can't. Nor can you change the name of the property "Status", nor its
three defaut values. However you can probably ADD new values to Status that
mean something only in the Project Workspace context, and you can add fields
to the Risk list. However, unless you can re-work the PWA ASP code, you are
stuck with seeing only "Active", "Postponed", and "Closed" Status values in
PWA's "Risk" views.

BTW, same for "Issues" list - PWA code is hardwired for key things!

IMHO ...


Jackson T. Cole

Some quick experiments on my sandbox sites shows me up wrong on all
counts! I renamed "Risk" list, "Status" field, and all three values in
"Status" choice field. PWA did not croak, but did continue to display the OLD
"Status" choices in its table of "All Projects" risk status. One caveat - I
am working as an Administrator, and being a garden-variety PM or Team Member
might yield different results. I don't have time for that today, maybe in a
few days.

FWIW ...


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