x-axis is time ... sort of



I'm trying to create a chart in Excel like the one on this page:


If the above link doesn't show up, you can get to the page by going to
Yahoo Finance and clicking on "Rates", which is about half way down on
the left side.

The x-axis on this chart is not time as in dates, but it is time as in
length of period (e.g. 3 days, 3 months, 3 years...) and the spacing
between x-axis labels is scaled by time period (not equally spaced).

I can do this in Excel using x-y scatter and x-axis data as # of days
(1 for 1 day, 365 for 1 year, 10950 for 30 years, etc), but the x-axis
labels are, obviously, the number of days (e.g. it says "3650" instead
of "10y" or "10 years"). Is there a way to make the x-axis labels say,
for example, "1y" instead of "365" and still have them spaced
correctly, like they are on the page above? Thanks.

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