X axis label help



I have created a line chart with four values from cells in sheet 1, sa
A1:D1. Each data point corresponds to a different material. Th
material names are in cells in sheet 1, say A2:D2. I select those cell
with the material names as my category (X) axis labels. The materia
names in the cells have underlining and subscripts, however thi
formatting does not appear on the chart. How can I get the underlinin
and subscripts to appear as they do in the cells on sheet 1? Thank yo
for the help

Frank Kabel

AFAIK you can't do this as the formulas only link values but not

Jon Peltier

Frank's right, the axis labels will not show subscripts or superscripts.
But there are workarounds.

First, I've heard of special fonts that have superscript and subscript
characters. Perhaps the OP can make use of such a font.

Second, you can hide the "real" axis labels, and create textboxes on the
chart. Individual characters within a textbox can be formatted

Third, you could use a macro technique that automatically draws the
label, either as a textbox or as a data label on a dummy series created
for this purpose (as described in
http://peltiertech.com/Excel/Charts/ArbitraryAxis.html). The macro can
subsequently step through the characters in the cell, and apply each
character's formats to the corresponding character in the label.

- Jon

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