X axis labels won't line up under corresponding column data - help!



Only way I can get dates (year 1998, 1999 and on etc) to fall under
annual income columns is to horse around with spacing, adding and
subtracting spaces in the category axis drop-down box in Chart Options.
Seems you can't even use the same number of spaces between each because
if you add between two of them, adding the same number of spaces
doesn'tnecessarily work between the next two. I have about 8 charts to
mess with and can't find an easy way to do this.


did you try this

righclcik x axis, clcik <format axis>
choose <scale>
UNCHECK <value(y) axis crosed between categories.
Thank you! When I right click on the x axis at bottom of the chart I get
the screen with patterns, fonts etc. This one shows "auto scale" only
under the pattern part. I tried both checked and unchecked. no difference.
When I go to format axis in the Chart Options part it is there that I
have entered my dates in the drop-down box for x axis. If I uncheck the
y value, I lose my income amounts, ic 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 etc. I dont
understand the "axis crossed between categories" business so don't know
that to do with that instruction. If I click on the x axis category in
the Chart Options part, and look at the "What does this mean?" answer
that makes even less sense to me. It is about line breaks or something.
Anyhow, thanks for your reply and if you can elaborate any further, I
would love you.

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