X days before finish date formula


Collin M.

I work on a program that repeats the same test process/timeline several times
a year, and I'm trying to create a master MS Project template that I can use
over and over again for each test.

For example, each time we execute a test, there is a particular review that
we accomplish 180 days prior.

The idea is to be able to take the master template, input the end date for
the test, and have all tasks (e.g. that particular review) automatically
adjust their dates relative to the end date.

Is there a formula that would automatically calculate (the designated number
of days prior to the end date) for each task? If so, can the formula be
modified for each individual task to reflect the correct number of days prior
to the end date for that task?

I'm BRAND NEW to Project, so detailed instructions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Jim Aksel

What you want to do is possible, on the menu: Project/Project Information...
Select "Schedule from Finish Date"

This makes all tasks start As Late as Possible. This is NOT a good thing to
do becuase it leave absolutely no room for margin in your schedule.

Instead, do not focus on the test date and what can trigger 180 days before.
Just because you want the test on December 31st does not mean you are ready
to have a review 180 days prior to that.

Schedule the tasks in a forward manner asking your self "What must I get
accomplished so I can have a Test Readiness Review?" Once all those tasks
are accomplished, then have your review. The tasks following the review will
fall where they may and result in the test starting on day mm/dd/yyyy.

If that date does not please you (or your boss), then you will need to find
alternatives to compress the schedule such as manloading, using a different
approach, etc. For example, I can paint a fence with a brush in 10 days...
If that does not please the boss, I can offer to do it with a roller in 6
days (I change my approach). I can add Fred with a roller and the two of us
do it in three days. Sooner or later I close in on the day my boss wants...

Or let me put it this way.... can you absolutly guaranty that if I hold the
review today, that no matter what happens..... absolutely nothing can stop
the test from starting execution in 180 days? No matter what....

It is best to schedule forward and then negotiate until a reasonable
approach is achiveved. HTH
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:

Mike Glen

Hi Colin,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I would create a master defining the complete cycle and Save As... a
Template. When you want to start a new cycle, open the template and use the
Adjust Dates macro on the Analysis toolbar to set the new dates..

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for my free Project Tutorials

Collin M.


Thanks for the suggestions. However, there are a few reasons that I was
hoping to do it the way I described. First, we're looking at our Project
build as more of a guidance tool and not a hard scheduling tool. We want to
have a nominal schedule to reference and make sure we're catching everything
more or less on time, but the nature of our process is such that any given
task may occur days or even weeks before or after its nominal "X days before
test." I know, that may sound extremely fast and loose in these days of Lean
6-Sigma, but that's our process.

We're also not necessarily concerned with tracking who works what hours or
what resources are being used, etc (a function for which I know Project is
ultimately intended)--we just want to be able to look at a Gantt chart on a
daily basis and see where we are in the process and make sure we're generally
on track and not forgetting anything.

In addition, our test dates are firm--the test WILL be accomplished on (per
the example) December 31, come hell or high water, and we WILL be ready to
execute on that date, no matter what.

That said, and because of the "nominal" and not "actual" nature of the
schedule we're trying to produce, that's why I'd like to figure out how to
schedule tasks at their nominal "X days before test/end date."

I've figured out how to "Schedule from Finish Date," but because you still
have to input a hard calendar date using that method, it requires "manually"
counting backward on a calendar 180 days prior to the test and inputting that
specific date. Ideally, I'd like to have a "180 days prior to test date"
formula in there so that the program could calculate the date each and every
time we change the date for the next test. Is that possible?

Again, thanks for the help, and let me know if you have any more suggestions!

Mike Glen

Hi Colin,

Ignoring your absolute certainty of meeting the test date (I would use a
Deadline Date), create 2 milestones. The first should be a FS link to all
the previous tasks, and the second should be the predecessor to all the Test
tasks. Double-click on the second milestone and in the Predecessors tab,
enter a 180 day lag. If you want 180 elapsed calendar days, (as opposed to
180 calendar working days) use 180ed. If you combine this with the template
I suggested, it should meet your requirements without any formula.

Mike Glen
Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for my free Project Tutorials

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