x picture item rounding



Hello All,
I'm using the x picture item to the display the last 4 digits of my field
which is a 16 digit number. The documentation says "Drops digits to the left
of the "x" placeholder. If the placeholder is to the right of the decimal
point, Word rounds the result to that place."

Word is rounding my number even though there is no decimal. Is this because
the number is so large? If I use a smaller number it doesn't round. I tried
to solve the problem by using the INT(x) function but that didn't work. Is
this a bug?

I appreciate any insight or help can you give.


Peter Jamieson

HI Laurel -

Yes. the problem is with the length of the number (as I suggested in the
previous thread - you can take this kind of approach up to around 14
digits). I don't think any of the other formula field suggestions made there
will help either).

In addition to the other workarounds I suggested...

If the account number is more complex there are two things you can do other
than transform your data source into another format:
a. use a DATABASE field - nasty, but see http://tips.pjmsn.me.uk/t0004.htm
b. use Word VBA to issue a SQL query to get the data from the .csv file,
and put the necessary right() function in that query. That isn't
straightforward either, but it can usually be done as long as the .csv can
be read by the Jet ODBC driver/OLE DB provider and doesn't have more than
255 fields.

....you may also be able to use the 16-digit kludge described in the "Number
fields" section on Graham Mayor's page at


(I'm not sure if it is workable in the situaiton you describe)

Peter Jamieson


I was able to get this to work in a mini test document but when I tried to
recreate it in my real document, I got the blasted Syntax error with my
MERGEFIELD. Any clue what I might be doing wrong?

{=INT({=MOD({MERGEFIELD Cardholder_Number},10000)})\# x###}


Graham Mayor

It works for me - are you sure you didn't miss a bracket, or used {} from
the keyboard instead of CTRL+F9, or do as I often do and get a typo in the
word Mergefield?
What do you get from {MERGEFIELD Cardholder_Number} alone?
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


That was the correct code. I wasn't connected to my data source (doh!). Thank
you so much for your help!!

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