BC Nan
I am a new x-serve administrator. And I am having trouble. I have
created student accounts on a high school server. I installed Office
X on the client machines. I selected the Office X folder on the client
machines and changed all of the ownerships and permissions to read and
write. Under details I did the same RW using the
"Apply to enclosed items". Some of my clients when they log in are
able to save Microsoft documents. Other are not. Sometimes a prompt
comes up saying can not save global template? Any suggestions? I have
deleted the users who are have this problem and recreated a new user
for the student/students who have these problems. This did not help.
The user accounts that are having problems can save using text edit.
created student accounts on a high school server. I installed Office
X on the client machines. I selected the Office X folder on the client
machines and changed all of the ownerships and permissions to read and
write. Under details I did the same RW using the
"Apply to enclosed items". Some of my clients when they log in are
able to save Microsoft documents. Other are not. Sometimes a prompt
comes up saying can not save global template? Any suggestions? I have
deleted the users who are have this problem and recreated a new user
for the student/students who have these problems. This did not help.
The user accounts that are having problems can save using text edit.