x-values revert to item number


cole pierce

I've just reloaded Excel 97 on a new computer running
Windows XP. When plotting $A1:$A10 vs $B1:$B10, the plot
is fine. When adding a series, $A11:$A20 vs $B11:$B20,
the x-values in the 2nd set revert to a simple series,
1,2,3,4,5..., rather than the value in the series itself.

When plotting the second series in a separate graph, the
same thing happens: my x-values, instead of being
3,5,5,9,22, are 1,2,3,4,5.

Thanks for any help.

Jon Peltier

Also make sure that (a) the values in column A are really assigned to
the series' X values, and (b) the values in column A are numerical
values, not text.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

cole pierce

Thanks, Jon and Jerry, but both of those parameters were
correct in the original. Any other ideas???

Jon Peltier

Select column A. From the Edit menu, choose Clear > Formats. Are they
all right aligned within the cells? If so, they are numerical. Any which
are left aligned are text. All it takes is a single text value in the
range of X values to muck it up.

If in fact you have a text value, you can convert it easily. Select and
copy an empty cell, select the cell containing text that should be a
number. From the Edit menu, choose Paste Special, choose the Value and
Operation - Add options.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

cole pierce

Bingo! I had selected the entire column and formatted it
as a zero-decimal number, but some of the values remained
General. Your procedure worked like a charm. Thanks
very much from Orange County CA.

Jon Peltier

I was pretty sure this was the issue. When you said it worked fine until
you added data, I suspected that the new data was not numeric, leading
to your familiar symptoms.

- Jon

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