Xara menumaker & DWT's



I have used xara menumaker to create a hroizontal navbar with submenus, looks
great, easy to construct and works well, but I am using it with a DWT. The
navbar is inserted in a non-editable region of the DWT. Unfortunately, when I
save the dwt after making changes to the navbar, the navbar in the other
pages that DWT is attached to do not update or I get the dreaded red X
instead on these other pages.

I cannot figure out why this is happening, surely if the navbar in the dwt
works ok then the other attached pages when saved should do also.

The only other option i have tried is to insert the navbar into an editable
region on each page then after each modification, delete and reinsert navbar
again on each page.......a bit silly considering I am using a DWT.

any ideas why this is happening? should i ditch xara and try another
menumaker application (recommend one?) or just try the long winded route and
code one?

Thanks in advance, another fustrated amateur.


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