XL 2007: Conditional Formatting not saved


Pere Pete

I have been posting this question for some weeks now, with no responses. Am
I posting it in the wrong place?

(Excel 2007) I have conditional formatting that is based on an array, applied
to all cells in a worksheet. The formatting underlines every third row
after the
monthly totals by:
=MOD(ROW()-MAX(ROW($A$1:$A1)*($A$1:$A1="Totals for")*($A1<>"Totals for")),3)=0

The words "Totals for" appear in col A, various rows. For test purposes I
have them in A41 and A78, and the word "Date" in A4, and the formatting shows

When I save and close the workbook and re-open it, the wrong rows are
If I go to the "Edit rule" screen and click OK without changing the rule,
then Apply, the rule works correctly until next time I save, close and
re-open the
workbook, when rows 42 and 78 are underlined. Editing the rule (without
changing it) and applying once again gets the correct rows, 44 and 81,
underlined, but the result is always lost on saving.

Using arrays like this worked fine in earlier versions of XL. It fails in
XL 2007 in both compatability mode for old XP workbooks and for new workbooks.
It makes no difference whether I am using Win XP or Vista, and fails on
every computer that I have access to.
Any ideas?

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