XL 2007-Filtering/sorting mixes up chgd cells in shared worksheet?



We have a shared workbook with a macro that will sort on two columns, and we
also use the filtering choices through the dropdowns in the column headers.
In Excel 2003 we literally never had a problem with it, but we are having a
crippling one now that we're using 2007 and the same workbook is saved as an

What happens is, if someone has the sheet sorted or filtered and makes a
change to a particular cell, sometimes it will show up on another person's
sheet in the SAME cell (e.g. H33) even though the other person doesn't have
the data sorted or filtered the same way. So, the change is not made to the
row of data that it really should have been with.

It will appear to be on the correct row for the originator until he or she
closes and re-opens the workbook, but then it'll show up associated with the
row where it showed for the other person who had it open.

I know the suggestion has been made here to perhaps use Access instead of a
shared workbook, but most of these users don't have Access.

Any ideas about why this could be happening, and how to stop it, besides
(for instance) making rules that employees must sort a certain way before
they make changes? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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