XL2000 CF and Comparing Lists



Using Excel 2000, on one sheet, I have two lists of data, both two columns.
The first list is named "OurOrders" and contains an Order Number (Column B)
and Dollar Amount (Column C). The second list is named "TheirOrders" and
contains an Order Number (Column E) and a Dollar Amount (Column F). How do I
compare the two lists and have the differences highlighted through
Conditional Formatting?

All help is greatly appreciated.

Sean Timmons

Select Formula is

Assuming 4 rows of data, it's be this.. change 4 to whatever...


Pick your format

Sean Timmons

Oops.. Change that $A$1:$B$4 to $B$1:$C$4

Sean Timmons said:
Select Formula is

Assuming 4 rows of data, it's be this.. change 4 to whatever...


Pick your format


Thank you for the suggestion, Sean. What range do I select when I enter this
formula? Do I select both sets of data, e.g.; B2:F13, or individual ranges
(columns) or what? Also, I am assuming I enter this under the Conditional
Formatting command??


Sean Timmons

This is under Format - Conditional Formatting.

First VLOOKUP requires looking up the first set - B:C. The 2nd VLOOKUP
requires the second set, E:F.

You can just do $E:$F rather than $E$2:$F$10000...

The concept is, you are looking up the order number in table a and getting
the value.

then you are looking up the order number in table b and checking the value.

If they aren't equal, formatting changes.


Hi Sean. That worked but only the order number in coumn "B" was highlighted
if the dollar values were different. How do I get both order numbers and
dollar values highlighted?


Sean Timmons

Sorry for the delay. Use the same exact formula in the orders column. Should
highlight fine.

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