XLA not opening properly (Repost)



Sorry for the repost, but I could not get an anwer on the original and this
is still plaguing me.

I have an XLA with a User Defined Function in it. Upon loading I attempt to
load the function into a function category in Excel (UDF category 14). The
UDF is called "VowelCount". When Excel starts up and opens the XLA I get an
error message in the ThisWorkbook module:

"Run time Error 1004: Cannot edit a macro on a hidden workbook. Unhide the
workbook using the Unhide command"

The code is as follws:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VowelCount", Category:=14
End Sub

Why is this happening? The XLA is obviously hidden file. Do I have to
momentarily unihde it to add the function to the function category and then
hide it again?


Jim Rech

Something else is going on. No idea what but I cannot repro this error.

| Sorry for the repost, but I could not get an anwer on the original and
| is still plaguing me.
| I have an XLA with a User Defined Function in it. Upon loading I attempt
| load the function into a function category in Excel (UDF category 14).
| UDF is called "VowelCount". When Excel starts up and opens the XLA I get
| error message in the ThisWorkbook module:
| "Run time Error 1004: Cannot edit a macro on a hidden workbook. Unhide
| workbook using the Unhide command"
| The code is as follws:
| Private Sub Workbook_Open()
| Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VowelCount", Category:=14
| End Sub
| Why is this happening? The XLA is obviously hidden file. Do I have to
| momentarily unihde it to add the function to the function category and
| hide it again?
| Thanks


I only have two macros in the add-in. Why is this happening?

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VowelCount", Category:=14
End Sub

And regular module
Function VowelCount(r As String)
'This counts the number of vowels
'in as string and returns the numbers

Count = 0
For i = 1 To Len(r)
Ch = UCase(Mid(r, i, 1))
If Ch Like "[AEIOU]" Then
Count = Count + 1
End If
Next i
VowelCount = Count
End Function


What also interesting is that I cannot see my Personal Workbook in the VBE
anymore. When I go into the VBE, and collapse all my tree directories in the
Project Window, I get a funny views in my code window. I can see my code
from my personal workbook but I cannot see my personal workbook in the
Project window. When i try to click onto the code from this missing file,
the code window disappears and then surfaces again as a code windoe for one
of the existing file that I can see in the Project window. I had an XLA
installed which was referencing a DLL. When I uninstalled the add-in for
this XLA the code for that XLA failed on a line of code which was suppose to
uninstall the DLL for it as well. Is there a chance that in do so I have
created some error with this incorrectly uninstalled DLL which is affecing my
personal workbook and this funciton question I have posted?


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