XlFormat not showing ODS option


Brian Graham


I am writing a VSTO 3.0 add-in for Excel 2007 SP2, I need to perform a
SaveAs command and save the file as an ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet).
According to the site:


the XlFileFormat enumeration should have an entry for
xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet (value of 60) but it does not appear in my list
from the interop I am using.

namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
public enum XlFileFormat
xlCurrentPlatformText = -4158,
xlWorkbookNormal = -4143,
xlSYLK = 2,
xlWKS = 4,
xlWK1 = 5,
xlCSV = 6,
xlDBF2 = 7,
xlDBF3 = 8,
xlDIF = 9,
xlDBF4 = 11,
xlWJ2WD1 = 14,
xlWK3 = 15,
xlExcel2 = 16,
xlTemplate = 17,
xlTemplate8 = 17,
xlAddIn8 = 18,
xlAddIn = 18,
xlTextMac = 19,
xlTextWindows = 20,
xlTextMSDOS = 21,
xlCSVMac = 22,
xlCSVWindows = 23,
xlCSVMSDOS = 24,
xlIntlMacro = 25,
xlIntlAddIn = 26,
xlExcel2FarEast = 27,
xlWorks2FarEast = 28,
xlExcel3 = 29,
xlWK1FMT = 30,
xlWK1ALL = 31,
xlWK3FM3 = 32,
xlExcel4 = 33,
xlWQ1 = 34,
xlExcel4Workbook = 35,
xlTextPrinter = 36,
xlWK4 = 38,
xlExcel7 = 39,
xlExcel5 = 39,
xlWJ3 = 40,
xlWJ3FJ3 = 41,
xlUnicodeText = 42,
xlExcel9795 = 43,
xlHtml = 44,
xlWebArchive = 45,
xlXMLSpreadsheet = 46,
xlExcel12 = 50,
xlOpenXMLWorkbook = 51,
xlWorkbookDefault = 51,
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled = 52,
xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled = 53,
xlOpenXMLTemplate = 54,
xlOpenXMLAddIn = 55,
xlExcel8 = 56,

Is there a new version of the PIA's or is there something else I have to
download to get this new enumeration?


Brian Graham

It seems that I can get the required functionality by using (xlFileFormat)60
wherever I need to use xlFileFormat.xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet.

Not ideal, but workable for now. It would be nice if we could have an
updated PIA though.

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