.xls file keeps referenced addin(.xla) filepath?




I seem to get a problem with conflicting addins references in excel. I have created an .xla file (addin) that is referenced in *each* of my user's pcs. They don't necessarily have the .xla file saved in the same directory thought (usually in the /macrolib directory but in the french version of office it's the /library directory). When coworkers exchange .xls files that reference my .xla, they sometimes get conflict excel errors. Excel tries to link the macro calls to the original .xla filepath, while it should be using the one referenced in the current machine. Excel seems to remember where the original .xla file was situated on the original pc, and doesn't automatically use the one on the current machine if paths are different.

It must be that the .xls file remembers where its macros' .xla file are situated. How can I make my .xla file uniformely used on every user machine even if the filepaths were different? Can I access the .xls file's addins paths and change them to the correct path

Thanks guys

Nikos Yannacopoulos

You cab get the read in VB by means of a statement such as
Application.Addins("Name").Path, but it is a read only property, so you
cannot change the path the same way.
Alternatively you might just put the add-in on a shared network drive, so
the path is the same for everybody (plus it's much easier to maintain).


Conceptor said:

I seem to get a problem with conflicting addins references in excel. I
have created an .xla file (addin) that is referenced in *each* of my user's
pcs. They don't necessarily have the .xla file saved in the same directory
thought (usually in the /macrolib directory but in the french version of
office it's the /library directory). When coworkers exchange .xls files
that reference my .xla, they sometimes get conflict excel errors. Excel
tries to link the macro calls to the original .xla filepath, while it should
be using the one referenced in the current machine. Excel seems to remember
where the original .xla file was situated on the original pc, and doesn't
automatically use the one on the current machine if paths are different.
It must be that the .xls file remembers where its macros' .xla file are
situated. How can I make my .xla file uniformely used on every user
machine even if the filepaths were different? Can I access the .xls file's
addins paths and change them to the correct path?

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