XLT and Internet



I have downloaded some worksheets to practice from Office Online. When I open
the worksheets also the browser is opened displaying the instructions for
that practice. I dont't want this to happen, as I have the instructions in a
separated document. How can I change this?

Thanks in advance.


Dave Peterson

This is the way I'd do in in WinXP (and Vista--not sure if Win7 works the same

Open windows explorer (not MSIE).
Tools|folder options|file types tab
Scroll down to XLS and select it
Click the Advanced button
And uncheck Brows in Same window

Do the same for all the extensions you need: XLSM, XLSX, etc...


No, because as in Windows 7 File Types Tab is no longer present, cannot
figure out were to uncheck " Browse in Same window" :-(

Dave Peterson

I went to google and searched for:

browse in same window windows 7

And quite a few hits included this link:

It includes instructions on making changes to the registry.

(Be careful!)

I have no idea if this works in Win7, though. I'm not using that OS.

Dave Peterson

I also found this site:

That pointed to a FileTypesMan utility that you can find here:

I've never used this utility (that I can remember), but I have used other
NirSoft utilities. They're very nice and useful.

I'm getting a fresh download of all utilities even as I type from here:

If you've never edited the registry before, I'd recommend that you try that
utility first. It's much too easy to screw up the registry -- there are no "are
you sure" prompts!

Please post back with your results and what you tried.

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