Hi =?Utf-8?B?QW5keQ==?=,
Since I do know about Word 2003 and XML, I can confirm what Doug has told you.
There is NO XML support in any version prior to Word 2003.
But forms can be saved as "Data only". This generates a comma-delimted text file -
which the "technical person" should know about, as it's the "old-fashioned"
equivalent of XML. This means comma-delmited text files can be manipulated pretty
much the same as XML for the purpose you describe. Or imported directly into an
Excel sheet or a database. (Or can even be transformed to an XML format, if that's
what the technical person wants.)
I am trying to do a project for my kid's lttle league and I want to use word
forms to send data via xml. Can i use word 2000 to create a form which will send
XML data? The other parent, who is more technical than I, but I know word forms
very well. He says if i could send data via xml from the forms which other parents
enter information into that it would be easily manipulated. I thank you for your
time and help ahead of time.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)
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