XML-Gallery- Ron DeBruin



Hi Ron,
Been using the gallery code I made with your help from earlier this year,
and while it generally works well, there are times when the gallery just
doesn't load.
At first it caught me by surprise, and I couldn't understand why it failed,
but then I realized that the gallery wasn't failing, as it was the images for
my gallery that were failing.
Have you run across this yet?
I haven't touched the Stephen Bullen code provided to load the images.

After the first time, I figured that I could generally open the xml side of
my xlam file, and redo the generate call backs, and it'd work after that.

Any ideas on how to prevent this from coninuing to happen?
Thank you.

Ron de Bruin

Hi Steve

I never see that
Let me know if you have something to reproduce it

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