XML Spreadsheet tags / named cells



The OWC11 spreadsheet appears not to support named cells the way Excel
2003 does (or any other way?):
<Data ss:Type="Number">939392</Data>
<NamedCell ss:Name="CustomerID35"/>

Does anyone have another idea as to how I could tag a cell with an ID?
This problem must come up for other people. When a user makes changes
in the spreadsheet control and saves the data back how do you identify
what's what? If I could name my cells or otherwise tag them then I
could use XPath queries to find and identify the important data and
ignore everything else. The NamedCell tag would have been perfect.

Am I going in the wrong direction completely? Is there a better way to
display a spreadsheet to a user, have them make changes, and read it
back in?



More Info: The <NamedCell> tag actually requires Workbook level
<Names><NamedRange> tags as follows:

<NamedRange ss:Name="CustomerID35" ss:RefersTo="=Sheet1!R5C2"/>

I still don't know whether this is supported in OWC11 but even if it is
I'm pretty much up-the-creek. I'm building this sheet dynamically
using XSLT and don't want to even think about trying to derive exact
cell locations of particular data.

Excel automation is looking better and better . . .

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