XML Spy Schema sync. issue




I have a schema designed with XML Spy Home ed. I changed the data source on
my IP project (VS C#) to link it to that new schema. Works fine. However,
if I later update nodes in the schema (using XMLSpy), such as adding a new
The change is not reflected in the IP project.
If I go to the template.xml in the project and add that new attribute
manually, everything works fine!

How to easily resync m existing form to an updated schema?




Hi Greg,

Well, no, I replaced the copy inside the Visual Studio project by the one
created with XML Spy. Then I re-open that same schema with XML-Spy (once
the project is closed of course!). If I add a new node, it will be
available next time I open the VS project, but if I modify an existing node,
it won't be updated when I open the IP project again! I need to manually
modify the template.xml to force the update I want to make....
Does it make any sense?


"Greg Collins [InfoPath MVP]" <Greg.Collins_AT_InfoPathDev.com> wrote in
message Are you working with the InfoPath copy of the schema? InfoPath keeps its own
copy. You must extract the form files to reach it.

Greg Collins [InfoPath MVP]
Please visit: http://www.InfoPathDev.com


I have a schema designed with XML Spy Home ed. I changed the data source on
my IP project (VS C#) to link it to that new schema. Works fine. However,
if I later update nodes in the schema (using XMLSpy), such as adding a new
The change is not reflected in the IP project.
If I go to the template.xml in the project and add that new attribute
manually, everything works fine!

How to easily resync m existing form to an updated schema?



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