I have written a function (listed in full below) using the
GetProjectServerSettings method in order to return the
assigned security groups of the current user. This
function is triggered from the Project_Open event. When I
open a project from PWA, I receive the error:
"Microsoft Project cannot be fully opened because it is
awaiting your input. Either continue with the input
process until Microsoft Project is fully running or quit
Microsoft Project and click Update again."
This error only appears when opening projects from PWA
when MSP must be opened. When the tool is already open,
the function executes without problems.
Is there a known problem with this method that prevents it
from executing during the initial opening of a project
from PWA? Thanks in advance.
Public Function Get_Perm_Grp()
On Error Resume Next
'populates the global grps(20) as string array with
all assgined user permission groups
Dim url, xmlStream, Group As String
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
url = ActiveProject.ServerURL
If Application.GetProjectServerVersion(url) =
pjServerVersionInfo_P10 Then
xmlStream = Application.GetProjectServerSettings( _
RequestXML:="<ProjectServerSettingsRequest>" _
& "<GroupsForCurrentProjectManager />" _
& "</ProjectServerSettingsRequest>")
Group = Mid(xmlStream, 82)
'check if group is NULL or is the end of the data
Do Until Group = "" Or Right(Left(Group, InStr
(Group, "<") - 1), 1) = ">"
grps(x) = Left(Group, InStr(Group, "<") -
1) 'permission group
Group = Mid(Group, InStr(Group, "<") + 41)
x = x + 1
End If
End Function
GetProjectServerSettings method in order to return the
assigned security groups of the current user. This
function is triggered from the Project_Open event. When I
open a project from PWA, I receive the error:
"Microsoft Project cannot be fully opened because it is
awaiting your input. Either continue with the input
process until Microsoft Project is fully running or quit
Microsoft Project and click Update again."
This error only appears when opening projects from PWA
when MSP must be opened. When the tool is already open,
the function executes without problems.
Is there a known problem with this method that prevents it
from executing during the initial opening of a project
from PWA? Thanks in advance.
Public Function Get_Perm_Grp()
On Error Resume Next
'populates the global grps(20) as string array with
all assgined user permission groups
Dim url, xmlStream, Group As String
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
url = ActiveProject.ServerURL
If Application.GetProjectServerVersion(url) =
pjServerVersionInfo_P10 Then
xmlStream = Application.GetProjectServerSettings( _
RequestXML:="<ProjectServerSettingsRequest>" _
& "<GroupsForCurrentProjectManager />" _
& "</ProjectServerSettingsRequest>")
Group = Mid(xmlStream, 82)
'check if group is NULL or is the end of the data
Do Until Group = "" Or Right(Left(Group, InStr
(Group, "<") - 1), 1) = ">"
grps(x) = Left(Group, InStr(Group, "<") -
1) 'permission group
Group = Mid(Group, InStr(Group, "<") + 41)
x = x + 1
End If
End Function