XP Anti Virus


Dan Heist

When I started my computer this morning I got a page that encouraged me to
download a program called XP Anti Virus. There was an official looking
MicroSoft Security logo in the upper left hand corner.

I did not download the program but somehow wound up with a bunch of XP Anti
Virus files on my computer. I have tried to delete all of them.

Now when I open Internet Explorer to go to MSN I get a virus warning. If I
try to go back to MSN two or three more times, and finally get connected and
try to go to Google, I get a message that Google has found an unregestered
copy of XP Anti Virus. All XP Anti Virus links take me to a page wanting
$49.95 to download this program.

Is this XP Anti Virus a hoax or is it an actual MS program?

Tom [Pepper] Willett

It's not a MS program. But, you have been infected by malware/spyware.
Also, it's not a Microsoft Office issue. Recommend you post in the
security/virus newsgroup.

: When I started my computer this morning I got a page that encouraged me to
: download a program called XP Anti Virus. There was an official looking
: MicroSoft Security logo in the upper left hand corner.
: I did not download the program but somehow wound up with a bunch of XP
: Virus files on my computer. I have tried to delete all of them.
: Now when I open Internet Explorer to go to MSN I get a virus warning. If I
: try to go back to MSN two or three more times, and finally get connected
: try to go to Google, I get a message that Google has found an unregestered
: copy of XP Anti Virus. All XP Anti Virus links take me to a page wanting
: $49.95 to download this program.
: Is this XP Anti Virus a hoax or is it an actual MS program?


Dan said:
When I started my computer this morning I got a page that encouraged me to
download a program called XP Anti Virus. There was an official looking
MicroSoft Security logo in the upper left hand corner.

I did not download the program but somehow wound up with a bunch of XP Anti
Virus files on my computer. I have tried to delete all of them.

Now when I open Internet Explorer to go to MSN I get a virus warning. If I
try to go back to MSN two or three more times, and finally get connected and
try to go to Google, I get a message that Google has found an unregestered
copy of XP Anti Virus. All XP Anti Virus links take me to a page wanting
$49.95 to download this program.

Is this XP Anti Virus a hoax or is it an actual MS program?

You've been infected. Try using your anti virus in Safe Mode to get rid
of the infection or, if you have Avast, run a boot scan.

If you're tired of worrying about infections, check out Ubuntu Linux at
www.ubuntu.com. It's free and bulletproof compared to any flavor of Windows.


Dan Heist


Thanks for your reply.

Where do I find the Security/Virus newsgroup that you mentioned.

I went to the MS Security site and downloaded and ran their Nuisance
Software Removal Tool, which came up with nothing. How can I rid my computer
of this program?

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

Dan Heist

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Dan,

The links below can be used to get to the MS AntiVirus discussion group.


Thanks for your reply.

Where do I find the Security/Virus newsgroup that you mentioned.

I went to the MS Security site and downloaded and ran their Nuisance
Software Removal Tool, which came up with nothing. How can I rid my computer
of this program?

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

Dan Heist >>
Please let us know if this has helped,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
or via browser:

B. MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader

Dan Heist

Thanks Bob:

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Dan,

The links below can be used to get to the MS AntiVirus discussion group.


Thanks for your reply.

Where do I find the Security/Virus newsgroup that you mentioned.

I went to the MS Security site and downloaded and ran their Nuisance
Software Removal Tool, which came up with nothing. How can I rid my computer
of this program?

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

Dan Heist >>
Please let us know if this has helped,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
or via browser:

B. MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader

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