XP Office Word lock up of PC


Jules Mumford


XP Athlon 1800 PC with 512MB Ram (Background running
Nortons Internet protection)

Have Office 97 upgraded to Office XP all above board and
all Service packs installed.

Everything works fine but sometimes (usually when you
have not saved for a while!) The Word application locks
the entire PC requiring a complete reboot.

Only happens in Word no other application. No event is
recorded in the event viewer and no error messages are
seen. Have obviously tried to completely uninstall and
install again but no better. Even tried installing 97
without Word and then Ofice XP OTT but no better. Also
deleted normal.dot but no difference.

Tried turning off all autocorrect and spell check etc but
no better (as it appears to be something in the
background causing it). Tried MS support but no better
advice apart from to delete all Word docs and start

Please help, as this is getting really annoying.


Lisa Penshorn [MSFT]

Hi Jules,

Sorry to hear you have had such a hard time. I think the problems you are having could be caused by several different
things. I would follow the troubleshooting steps in the following article:

Q259413 - WD2000: Things to Try Before You Call Technical Support

This is a good article on troubleshoooting Word and references things such as the startup group and printer driver. Let me
know if any of these steps address the problem you are having.


Lisa Penshorn, MCSE

Technical Support for Business Applications

Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
From: "Jules Mumford" <[email protected]>
Sender: "Jules Mumford" <[email protected]>
Subject: XP Office Word lock up of PC
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 00:43:47 -0700
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XP Athlon 1800 PC with 512MB Ram (Background running
Nortons Internet protection)

Have Office 97 upgraded to Office XP all above board and
all Service packs installed.

Everything works fine but sometimes (usually when you
have not saved for a while!) The Word application locks
the entire PC requiring a complete reboot.

Only happens in Word no other application. No event is
recorded in the event viewer and no error messages are
seen. Have obviously tried to completely uninstall and
install again but no better. Even tried installing 97
without Word and then Ofice XP OTT but no better. Also
deleted normal.dot but no difference.

Tried turning off all autocorrect and spell check etc but
no better (as it appears to be something in the
background causing it). Tried MS support but no better
advice apart from to delete all Word docs and start

Please help, as this is getting really annoying.


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Support Professional\par

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