XP Pro SP2 running a Access 97 DB


David Bradley

I have a hybrid mix of NT4, Win2K and now XP Pro SP2
clients on a NT4 server domain. Running an old Access97
DB on NT and Win2K is fine, but not under XP Pro. The
database opens OK, but when you go to select an object
from a drop down box I get the following error :-

"This record set is not updateble"

The user has full control, and all permissions appear to
be set correctly. This user could use this DB under Win2K
but I've upgraded him to a XP Pro SP2 client. Is it some
thing under XP that is stoping him using this DB. Any help
would be great on this because it's beaten me.

Albert D. Kallal

Hum, you could double check permissions here. Note that ms-access needs FULL
rights to the dir where the mdb file is.

Those rights include file create, and file deletion rights. (ms-access
creates temp files to manage locking...and if those files can't be created,
often you get read only mode...).

Is any of the tables updateable (try opening table directly in ms-access,
and see if you can edit it). If you can edit the data, then the next thing I
would check is broken refs.

To ensure smooth operation, for a97, you need to:

install sr1
install sr2b

install jet update jet35sp3.exe

I seen ms-access applications break if you don't install that update to jet
in addition to sr2b. *all* machines should be running the above 3 updates,
else in fact you are running *different* versions of the software...and that
is a formula for trouble......

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