Sorry, but your description of what you have tried is unclear, and makes it
pretty tough to suggest other possible solutions. I would suggest again that
you check the firewall built into Windows XP that does not exist in 98, or
other firewall that came with your new computer, and make sure it is turned
off or set to allow you to upload your files. I would also suggest that if
you know how to use HTTP uploading protocol, then use it again. Why use FTP
now? I would also suggest that you go to your webhost and look at their
knowledge base or FAQ section and their instructions about how to upload to
their servers...especially if this is a different host than the one that
hosts your other sites.
Otherwise, go back to the three articles I referenced especially the
troubleshooting article by David Bartosik, and read it carefully, and check
the steps you are taking until you find the step you are doing incorrectly.
Make sure you are uploading to the correct address, watch for misspelled
words, using Upper case when it should be lower case, including spaces where
there should be no spaces, etc. Many times it is something really simple
that you can miss the first time...and the second time you look at it. So
look a third...
Good luck.