XP Professional loaded, now word does not work



I purchased XP Professional loaded it and the loaded by office 2000
Professional and everything works by word. Can anyone tell me why?

JoAnn Paules

Please try that again. Something just isn't making sense and I'm not sure
what you're asking. Don't forget details.


To expand I can operate excel, powerpoint with no problems. Word I can open
and create a document but once I save and close you can not open it up again.
Even documents I created before XP will not open.


Sorry Office 2000 word does not open at all, I loaded an 97 office I have
here and it will let you open and save but you can not reopen the doc.


Sorry I do not know what side by side means. My computer was having problems
and to fix it we loaded the XP Pro and then I put my Office 2000 Pro CD in
and installed it.

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