First of all, I don't know what happened, but Vista's Outbox finally
released all its captives; but I'll answer your questions anyway, and add a
couple of my own.
Roady said:
Hard to say without any configuration information.
For starters; which mail account types are you using?
POP3 in, and SMTP out via
Also, do you get any send/receive errors? No.
It could be anything really. Misconfigured firewall perhaps?
Also, if you have a virus scanner that integrates with Outlook,
disable/uninstall this integration and try again.
I'm using Onecare on both systems. No apparent problems in the past.
Also note that you are behind with updating Office 2007. Your version
indicates that no update whatsoever has been installed for it. Service
Pack 2 has been released already.
1) I have never installed or used MS office in its entirety. I only
installed OL2007 on its own and had a tremendous battle doing that. I think
my life would have been easier if I had just dealt with the whole MS Office
package. Next time I will. For the record, my start menu does show under
MS Office: MS Office OL2007; Re-install MS Offie Pro 2007 Trial; and MS
Offiice Tools.
3) I saw the SP2 update, but it seemed to be addressed to the entire MS
Office package. Being somewhat war-torn after trying to trying to install
OL2007 without first uninstalling the MSOffice trial version, I was
concerned about the possibility of updates to stuff I didn't have.
Is it okay to run the SP2 update, in view of the applications I *don't*
I have two data files. When I look at the Personal Folders via Control
Panel, one of them shows the format as "Personal Folders File", while the
other says the same plus "(97-2002)". What's the significance of this and
should I change something?
Thank you for your help.