XY Scatter + Bubble?



I have an XY Scatter chart and I want to make the data
points reflective of their relative size based on a third
quality. For example, I have the number of units on one
axis, and the selling price on another. I would like the
data points to reflect the % of associated defects by
becoming relatively larger or smaller than the other (like
a bubble graph).

Any ideas? TIA!

Andy Pope


That would be a bubble chart then ;)

Excel has this as a built-in chart type, as of version XL97 I think.
The chart requires 3 pieces of information X,Y,Size.

Or have I missed something in your question?
I have an XY Scatter chart and I want to make the data
points reflective of their relative size based on a third
quality. For example, I have the number of units on one
axis, and the selling price on another. I would like the
data points to reflect the % of associated defects by
becoming relatively larger or smaller than the other (like
a bubble graph).

Any ideas? TIA!




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