XY Scatter Charts, High/Low bars, Multiple Series


Kevin M.

I am trying to chart the changes in a percentile distribution over a number
of years. There are five percentile ranges (99-90%,89-75%, etc.) which have a
maximum and minimum value. For analysis it would be helpful to examine these
ranges side by side.

A chart similar to a stock chart would be able to show the "High and Low" of
each range, but this is only good for one data set (in my case years), not 5
to 8 years, which is what I need. So we are probably looking at an XY
scatter chart with some high/low (error) bars.

Also, on an XY scatter, when just plotting the data, the points stack one on
top of the other (because they technically have the same x value). Is there
any way to stagger them horizontally so if I could add error bars that they
wouldn't overlap each other?

ANY help on this is apprecieated!

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