Yahoo! Host and FP2003 Feedback Form



This is for people that are using Yahoo! as their website host. I had a
problem and thanks to a little guidance from someone here in the forum I
found and fixed the problem.

The problem was that when I posted a feedback form and had inserted the
e-mail in the form properties box that I wanted the results to go to. Each
time I went on the web to test my page I got an error. Yahoo! does support FP
extensions, but not all of them. The extensions for feedback forms is one of
them. Here are the steps to fix that.

1. Make sure that the e-mail address you have listed with Yahoo! has been
validated by them. Go to your Account Info page and edit the settings for

2. Go to the web hosting control page and click on Create and Manage.

3. Go to add ons and then e-mail forms.

4. Minimize the screen and open FP on your desktop. Open your feedback form.
I like the split screen option so I can see the graphics and code at the same
time. Regardless of which screen flips your pan cakes you have to delete,
copy and paste a little code from Yahoo!

In your HTML find a string that looks like this - <form method="POST"
bot="saveresults"u-file=".../_private/form_results.csv" S-Format="TEXT/CSV"

5. Copy the code on Yahoo! Step 1 then paste into the area that you just
deleted the FP code. Publish your page. This is a work around and it it
worked on mine. I am running FP 2003, so it may or may not work if you are
using an earlier version of FP. But it beats a blank. Your other option is to
use on of the two forms supplied by Yahoo! on a blank web page.

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