Yes/No Box Based on List




I have a form that is used for entry of lots of data regarding phone calls
received in our call center. We put in a specific number of the customers
code. Some codes require special handling. I have a table created for the
codes and then a yes/no field if they are requiring special handling or not.
I would like to have a field on the form itself that populates (check box or
yes/no box) based upon if the code entered has a yes/no after it. How can I
do this?



If you have created a yes/no field and you drag this field on your form you
should get a checkbox which is bound to the yes/no field in your table? Maybe
i'm not getting want you want but that's the way i use yes/no fields...


Yes. I have the check box already, or a yes/no, depending on which route I
go. That part I understand. Here is some additional information: Field
Name: Office. This has a list of 100+ offices that we handle. Of these
offices, 20 require special handling. What I want is when we input the
office number, a check box would automatically check on the form that
indicates that it requires special handling. For expample, I input "50" for
the office, the check box would automatically check because "50" requires
special handling. I have a table created already with all the office lists
and a second column that indicates if it is or is not requiring special
handling (Yes/No Field.)

J_Goddard via

Hi -

You could update the checkbox in the After Update event of the office number,
using dlookup:

MyCheckBox = dlookup("SpecialHandling","tblOffices","tblOffices.officeNumber
= " & me!OfficeNumber)

changing the names to match your application.

You should have code to catch an invalid office number (i.e. one that is not
in tblOffices) as well. The Before Update event of the office number control
would be the best place for it.

A word of caution, though - the checkbox on your form should not be bound to
a field in the table being updated by the form. Doing so is redundant (you
already have the information in the tblOffices table), and violates the rules
of normalization.


Yes. I have the check box already, or a yes/no, depending on which route I
go. That part I understand. Here is some additional information: Field
Name: Office. This has a list of 100+ offices that we handle. Of these
offices, 20 require special handling. What I want is when we input the
office number, a check box would automatically check on the form that
indicates that it requires special handling. For expample, I input "50" for
the office, the check box would automatically check because "50" requires
special handling. I have a table created already with all the office lists
and a second column that indicates if it is or is not requiring special
handling (Yes/No Field.)
If you have created a yes/no field and you drag this field on your form you
should get a checkbox which is bound to the yes/no field in your table? Maybe
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]

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