Yet Another Mail Merge Attachment Question



I've attempted to follow the instructions in Doug Robbins article, but I'm a
total Word & VBA tryo.

When I attempt to run the macro, I get an error that a user object is not
defined, and I'm taken to this line in the macro:
Dim oOutlookApp As Outlook.Application

I'm using Word & Outlook 2007, and I checked that the Microsoft Office
Outlook 12.0 Object Library is referenced.


A correction to what I wrote
Minor correction. Tyro, not tryo. Although perhaps even tyro expresses
more experience than I really have.

Major correction.
I do NOT have Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0 Object library checked.

It doesn't seem to be available in the choices. Where might I find such a


Replying to myself again. Sheesh.

I found the Outlook Object library, and got things working. I don't know
why, and it's probably not worth the effort to find out, but our installation
of Word does not list the Outlook object library when you open up the Macros
& VBA from Word.

I opened up Macros in Outlook, saw the location of the Outlook library, went
back to Word, did a browse in the References, added MSOUTL.odb (unsure of the
extension), and that did the trick.

You experts could have done this quickly, but this is the most advanced
thing I've done in Word & Outlook ;-)

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