Yield() function missing from XL2007 SP1 ATPVBAEN Analysis ToolPak


Ron West

I have a spreadsheet that worked fine in XL2003 using the ATPVBAEN.XLA
Analysis ToolPak, but now that our local IT department have forced us all to
"upgrade" to XL2007 SP1 it has stopped working because it can't find the
Yield() function from the new XL2007 ATPVBAEN.XLAM version of the ToolPak.

Using the Object Browser confirms that the function is no longer there.

However, if I deregister the new XLAM and register the old XLA file, the
Yield() function appears back in the Object Browser and the spreadsheet
compiles OK, BUT I now get unsolvable "Error 2015 - Type Mismatch" errors.

(After some Googling, I have tried to ensure the date format is correct for
the first 2 parameters but the Error 2015 will not go away from the XL2007
run whatever I do).

Can anyone help?

Mike Middleton

Ron West -

It's not clear to me from your post: Are you aware that functions that are
part of the Analysis ToolPak in Excel 2003 (and earlier) are native
worksheet functions in Excel 2007 (not requiring the Analysis ToolPak

- Mike Middleton
Decision Analysis Add-ins for Excel

Ron West

But... are you aware that (unlike functions like EDate that are now been made
into WorksheetFunctions), the Yield() function is not one of them?

Try this, and you will not find the Yield() function:-

Sub xx()
yy = WorksheetFunction.[press 'y' here]

End Sub

There are two other Yield-like functions (YieldDisc and YieldMat) in the
WorksheetFunctions, but these cannot be replacements for Yield() as they do
not have the same number of parameters.


Bernard Liengme

This appears to be a bug. I have reported it to the Excel Development Team
best wishes

Mike Middleton

RW -

Seems to be a bug. That is, in Excel 2007 SP1 the YIELD function works fine
in a worksheet cell, but it's not available using
Application.WorksheetFunction in VBA.

- Mike

Ron West said:
But... are you aware that (unlike functions like EDate that are now been
into WorksheetFunctions), the Yield() function is not one of them?

Try this, and you will not find the Yield() function:-

Sub xx()
yy = WorksheetFunction.[press 'y' here]

End Sub

There are two other Yield-like functions (YieldDisc and YieldMat) in the
WorksheetFunctions, but these cannot be replacements for Yield() as they
not have the same number of parameters.


Mike Middleton said:
Ron West -

It's not clear to me from your post: Are you aware that functions that
part of the Analysis ToolPak in Excel 2003 (and earlier) are native
worksheet functions in Excel 2007 (not requiring the Analysis ToolPak

- Mike Middleton
Decision Analysis Add-ins for Excel

Ron West

I have written a workaround, where I created a new Worksheet and allocated 8
named ranges along the top row (7 for the input parameters and 1 for the

The 8th cell has this formula in


Then, if you add the following function and replace all VBA calls to Yield()
with Yield_Workaround() it seems to work OK now.

Function Yield_Workaround(SettlementDate As Date, MaturityDate As Date,
Rate, PR, Redemption, Frequency, Optional Basis = "") As Double
'Yield() function is not available in VBA for XL2007 SP1, only as a
function in a Worksheet

Range("Settlement").Value = SettlementDate
Range("Maturity").Value = MaturityDate
Range("Rate").Value = Rate
Range("PR").Value = PR
Range("Redemption").Value = Redemption
Range("Frequency").Value = Frequency
Range("Basis").Value = Basis

Yield_Workaround = Range("WsFn_Yield").Value
End Function

Ron West


Thank you for reporting the missing Yield() VBA WorksheetFunction!

Do you think you could also report the memory bug I found, as shown in the
“Excel 2007 SP1 - Worksheet.Close does not release memory!†thread in the
microsoft.public.excel.crashesgpfs section?

Ron West

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