I have this code on a form to tell me how many records are in the form
="Looking at " & Count([CallID]) & " Calls Scheduled in this Query"
(displayed above my navigational buttons)
And I have this code, to tell me how many records (or calls) are in
this form for this contact:
=DCount("[CallID]","CallTableQ","[Company] = [Combo26]") & " calls
scheduled for this prospect"
but how can show which record in the set it is (i.e. On Record # of
Thanks in advance!
="Looking at " & Count([CallID]) & " Calls Scheduled in this Query"
(displayed above my navigational buttons)
And I have this code, to tell me how many records (or calls) are in
this form for this contact:
=DCount("[CallID]","CallTableQ","[Company] = [Combo26]") & " calls
scheduled for this prospect"
but how can show which record in the set it is (i.e. On Record # of
Thanks in advance!