Hi Perry, Thank you for your reply.
This problem is allied with a couple of other situations I've encountered
with Access to Word automation. The others I've "solved" (for the most
In one situation, Automation opens a Word template with
Set objWdDoc = objWord.Documents.Add (Template:= "Template.dot").
When you try to Quit/Close Word you get a message that Normal.dot has
altered and do you want to save it. You have to click "No" and "cancel"
on a
number of screens to get rid of this. This is solved by including in the
close/quit events of the word template
NormalTemplate.Saved = True.
I understand this works because it automatically answers the question so
box never appears.
In the second situation, you are trying to capture information from the
Document at the time it is saved and closed. The "best" way is to use
WithEvents in Access so that Access "knows" when the document is being
closed. Another way is to include a While/Wend loop in Access coupled
an on error event. Access "hangs" at the While/Wend as long as the Word
Document is open, but when the document is closed it creates an error that
gets you out of the loop. Thus:
While objWord.IsObjectValid(objWdDoc)
'MS Help [reference library]
'when Word is closed, there is an error
'to get you out of this loop
(I've included what I've learned over time with this for anybody with a
similar problem who stumbles on this thread.)
I'll take some time today to study how I might use your suggestion in
conjunction with one of the other "solutions." The problem is that Access
"runs ahead" of the automation. Access will execute the rest of the lines
the procedure before the Word Document or Template is even open. You have
figure out a way to stop Access, and the only ways I've learned so far are
the While/Wend and WithEvents. And, frankly, these solutions are
unsatisfactory because WithEvents is heavy duty automation that is tricky
program and While/Wend locks Access as long as the Word document is open.
The other problem is that I don't know how you would put a command like
NormalTemplate.Saved = True in the finished document (rather than in the
template that created the document.)
Fundamentally, I don't understand how Word retains a "memory" that it was
opened via Automation (rather than simply being opened with double-click
the file). How come Word "knows" that there is some kind of "active
and shouldn't there be a line of code that you insert in Access that
turns off the automation once the document is opened. Something like
objWord.SeeYaLater = True.
Bruce Maston said:
I get the following message when I use automation to open an existing
Document from Access (and then try to close the document after making
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Documents.Open (ExistingDocument)
objWord.ActiveWindow.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
objWord.Visible = True
When I close the word domument, the message pops up. When you click
you get to the next box that asks if you want to save changes.
It's more a cosmetic nuisance than anything, but there must be something
missing in my automation that is doing this.
Thank you for any insights.