You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Form/Report


Nick Stansbury

See this post for background info (similar problem):"+subform&rnum=74&hl=en#93801a080cbe4404

I experienced a similar problem to the author of the above post. I
dynamically load the source object for a subform in code. Here is an

Public Sub PopulateSubForm(MySubFormControl As SubForm)
Dim MyRS As ADODB.Recordset, MySubForm As Form, MySubformSourceObject As
String, MyIPname As String
MySubFormControl.SourceObject = "BLAHBLAH"
Set MySubForm = MySubFormControl.Form
'Build a recordset from a call to the remote sql server here....
Set MySubForm.Recordset = MyRs
End Sub

This line of code - [ Set MySubForm = MySubFormControl.Form ] was throwing a
sporadic run time error : "You entered an expression that has an invalid
reference to the property Form/Report"

The error was sporadic. There seemed to be no common factors accross the
various occurences. Most times clicking into the sub form and then
re-populating it would work - but not always. Moving to the next record (as
in the post above) would resolve the problem, sometimes. Decomiple, compact
/ repair, recreate references, revert to back up - none of it helped.
However the following did :

SOLUTION -> Setting the focus to the subform container fixed the problem - I
added "MySubFormControl.SetFocus" immediately after setting the source
object and the problem went away.

Weird. Hope that this post means someone else can spend less time on this
problem than I did.


George Nicholson

Just a thought: A "DoEvents" in the same place *might* achieve the same
thing: stall, and give the subform time to fully load before referencing it
(especially if it has a large unfiltered RecordSource in its "natural",
just-opened state).

- or add a "wait until loaded" routine.
- or modify the design of the subform so that it initially opens with a
small & fast recordset (which you will be resetting 2 lines later)


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