When you click reply and save a draft, the message is flagged
"You replied on" even though you never send the draft, even if you later
delete the draft.
This has been true since Office 97. I think this is a bug and a really bad
way to do things. You can get busy and save a draft of a reply and never
send it, Outlook ought to only tag the message with "you replied" if you
actually SEND.
I see that the little arrow on the envelop does not appear until you send,
but the gray header does get inserted as soon as you save the draft.
"You replied on" even though you never send the draft, even if you later
delete the draft.
This has been true since Office 97. I think this is a bug and a really bad
way to do things. You can get busy and save a draft of a reply and never
send it, Outlook ought to only tag the message with "you replied" if you
actually SEND.
I see that the little arrow on the envelop does not appear until you send,
but the gray header does get inserted as soon as you save the draft.