If you are wanting to import a Youtube video into your web page, I am pretty
sure they provide a code snippet that you can insert into your page via the
insert html code fragment tool, just as you did the amazon ads.
Embedding vs. importing? When you insert/embed a picture into your page,
Publisher makes a copy of that image and uploads it to your host server
along with all your other web files. When you import an image or a video,
you just insert the code into the page that imports the picture or video to
the page from your host severs, or like your amazon ads, that are stored on
the amazon servers.
You can import a video from another source, or from your host server. It is
a matter of where you point the link. If the source of the video is Youtube,
then you point it towards Youtube. If you want to import it from your host
server, then usually you create a subfolder on your host server at the root
directory to contain the video file. The root directory is where you upload
your index.htm file. You would do the same thing if you wanted to make .pdf
files available for download.
With that said, please remember that people with a dial-up connection will
wait an excruciating amount of time for the video to download...perhaps more
than 5 minutes per meg. Also, not everyone will have the appropriate video
player on their computer to play the video, so you might also have to import
the video player. Also some people will have their browsers set up so as to
not import any images or content from other sites or servers for security
reasons. Those users will never see those images or videos, or will get some
sort of warning, and may click away from your site. Think twice before you
import a video vs. just giving them a link to download the video as an
option. Ask yourself if adding the video actually helps communicate the
message...the information you want to communicate to people, helps the user
to navigate your site, or whether is a distraction from your message or
inhibits navigation. Just because you can do something on your website
doesn't mean you should. Sometimes it is best to just KISS.
Does that answer your questions?