Zero Formatting



I am using the accounting format along a row of formulas that produce mostly
zeros - so it displays dashes with a dollar sign (ie. $ -). This is fine
except that in a few spots it displays a 0 or a (0). Yes, I know that this
is because the value is slightly off zero, sometimes by the 10th decimal
place. However, from a formatting perspective I would like those also to
display as dashes.

Is there anyway to make it display all values that round to zero as a dash?
I would like to do it without actually changing the number being displayed
such as by using a rounding function because it will mess up future
calculations done off this row.

Also, is there a way to change a worksheet's precision level such that all
numbers are only calculated to the E-5 decimal place.


David Biddulph

The function to round is the ROUND function.
Excel help will tell you about it.

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