Fountain of knowledge
I hope someone can help.
I support a few users on a windows 2000 network. each workstation has
Office 97 installed. One particular user has a strange problem that
seems to occur at random every few months.
what happens is that all his word documents in his home drive slowly
'change' to zero bytes in length. of course they are empty. the
modified time is not changing but the files are. I have not been able
to work out what is happening. The anti-virus software reports the
machine clean and i cannot find any macros in any of the zero length
files nor in normal.dot. I don't think it is malicious by someone as
he says that no-one knows his password.
Any ideas?
I hope someone can help.
I support a few users on a windows 2000 network. each workstation has
Office 97 installed. One particular user has a strange problem that
seems to occur at random every few months.
what happens is that all his word documents in his home drive slowly
'change' to zero bytes in length. of course they are empty. the
modified time is not changing but the files are. I have not been able
to work out what is happening. The anti-virus software reports the
machine clean and i cannot find any macros in any of the zero length
files nor in normal.dot. I don't think it is malicious by someone as
he says that no-one knows his password.
Any ideas?