Zero values not legend, Value grater then zero show data and legend



My chart has about a dozen data series in it, with a legend created
for each.
A couple of the data series currently are zero amounts, and my boss
not to show the legends for the zero amount data series in the chart

I understand how to delete the legend name from the chart legend and
the data series as part of the chart. Is there some way to check each
series when the chart (or worksheet) is activated, see if the amount
is no
longer zero, and if so, reinsert the legend information for that data
in the chart legend?

I know i can use pivot table but in order to create a pivot table the
first row become static and I want the row to remain under formula
because if the criteria does not fit the requirement I don't want to
see it in the chart.

Row Labels Sum of Jan. 2005 Sales Sum of Feb. 2005 sales Sum of
March 2005 sales
Paris 1801.76
1705.16 #N/A
London 1620.55
1701.8 1403.61
Milan 885.31
779.69 809.13

I need the cities on the X and the sum of Jan. 2005 sales in the Y but
if the city shows no sales in March don't show it.

thank you,
Pamela xoxo

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