Zeros and #DIV/0!



In a cell I have formula that uses data from other cells to calculate values.
Before data is entered into those cells I always see either zeros or #DIV/0!
on my spreadsheet. How do fix it so the cell with the formula is empty until
I enter corresponding data in the other cells?


Jim Thomlinson

#DIV/0 can be cleaned up by changing the formula to check for a zero

=if(C2=0, "", B2/C2)

As for the zeros there are a couple of options. One is to not show any zero
values on the sheet by selecting Tools -> Options -> View tab and uncheck
Zero Values. The other option is to hide the zero's with condtional
formatting. Select the cell range and then Format -> Conditional Formatting
-> Cell Value is = 0 and format the text to be the same colour as the
background (usually white)...

Fred Smith

You do something like this:



Jim Thomlinson

Not to pick but IsError is kind of a dangerous formula to use in a case like
this. Any error and not just Div/0 will return a blank. If someone deletes a
cell, instead of getting a #ref telling you there is a problem, you get a
blank and no one knows there is a problem. While iserror is a handy formula
it should actually be used very sparingly. To that end I actually can not
remember the last time I used it and I spend a good part of my time creating

Gord Dibben

Trap for the blank cells.

=IF(A1="","",B1/A1) or similar

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks for the help,

I also posted the question on "AVERAGE WEEKLY MAXIMUMS" any ideas on that one?

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