already in my spreadsheet<<
I see.....That's a different problem.
Since the leading zeros are already gone.
try this:
1) Set the number format of the cells to TEXT
2) Create a helper column off to the right with this kind of formula:
Copy that formula down as far as you need
3) Select the range of helper column formulas
4) Select the source range
<edit><paste special>....Check: Values......Click: [OK]
Then just erase the formulas in the helper column
Does that help?
Post back if you have more questions.
Microsoft MVP (Excel)
(XL2003, Win XP)
Susie said:
I tested both and they work, but they only seem to work AFTER the format
set of as you enter the '. My problem, though, is that all these UPC's
already in my spreadsheet. I tried both of your ideas on them and they
didn't help previously entered data.