I am doing a mail merge in Word and pulling the data from
Excel. When I view my recipent I am missing half my zip
codes. The only zip codes that show up are the 5
digets. But if I have the additional 4 digets extended
from the 5 it only says "0" For example 85203-4352 it
will not show up in view recipents or on my labels.
I have tried reformating the cells to various items and
it does not seem to work. Does anyone have any
Excel. When I view my recipent I am missing half my zip
codes. The only zip codes that show up are the 5
digets. But if I have the additional 4 digets extended
from the 5 it only says "0" For example 85203-4352 it
will not show up in view recipents or on my labels.
I have tried reformating the cells to various items and
it does not seem to work. Does anyone have any