Zip file attachments unreadable on Windows machines



Using Entourage, I sent a .zip file containing a Word document, several JPEG
files and a PDF file to several Windows users. All were able to unzip the
file, however none was able to see anything other than the PDF. In Entourage
preferences, I specified the file was to be encoded for Windows and file
extensions appended. (In fact, I also tested this by sending the same file
encoded for all computers (AppleDouble) and without file extensions appended.
Still no dice. I've reverted to sending just the regular Word, JPEG and PDF
files and those open fine on the Windows machines. I just wanted to use the file to consolidate about 20 individual files into one.

Any solutions?

Hui Nee Chin

How did you zip the files? Did you use just the regular compression feature
on the OS or did you use the compression feature on Entourage? Can you send
me a zip file sample directly to huchinATmicrosoftDOTcom (please modify
accordingly) so that I can take a look at it? Thanks!

Hui Nee Chin - huchinATmicrosoftDOTcom
Microsoft Entourage Test
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