Zipping Excel files



Hi There,

I am trying to create a vba macro to automatically zip my
all excel file with use of SHELL command in vba but I am
unsuccessful. Can anyone check my code and tell me what's
wrong with it. What it does I am trying to use the
current date as my zip filename. When I run it seems
nothing happened and gives no error.

TempoFileDIR = Format(now, "yyyymmdd_hhmmss")

Dim TodaysArchive As String
Dim aBatchCopy As String
TodaysArchive = iArchivePath & TempoFileDIR & ".zip"
& " " & cWorkingPath
aBatchCopy = ("cmd /c PKZIPC -add -
directories=relative " & TodaysArchive)
Call Shell(aBatchCopy, vbHide)

End sub


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