I need to change Zulu time back 1 hour due to the daylight savings time.
I have a format I need to follow, which is example “P 04:45Z” Where
the P needs to remain because it signifies proposed, and the Z needs to
remain, because it signifies Zulu and the time 04:45 needs to be made
03:45 while preserving the P and the Z, so therefore, “P 04:45Z” needs
to be “P 03:45Z” . I need this as a formula, because there are a lot of
time changes to be made. Can anyone help with this formula?
I have a format I need to follow, which is example “P 04:45Z” Where
the P needs to remain because it signifies proposed, and the Z needs to
remain, because it signifies Zulu and the time 04:45 needs to be made
03:45 while preserving the P and the Z, so therefore, “P 04:45Z” needs
to be “P 03:45Z” . I need this as a formula, because there are a lot of
time changes to be made. Can anyone help with this formula?