Edit "Submit to"



Is there any way to edit the existing configuration of Submit to? Every time
I want to change something (e.g. email, subject, body of the message) I need
to add a new submit to, without having a chance to edit the existing one.


S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

To change the configuration of an existing data connection, go to the "Tools
Data Connections..." menu item, select the data connection you want to edit
from the list of available data connections on the "Data Connections" dialog
box, and then click on the "Modify..." button.

Note: Submission by email makes use of a data connection. So to change the
existing configuration for submission by email, change the configuration for
the data connection used for email submission.


Thank you, thank you, thank you... I was about to begin pulling out my hair
till I found this.

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